About Us

At Thin From WITHIN we are offering you a one of a kind nutrition program backed by the latest scientific research on gut health and it’s role in affecting weight loss. We also offer exclusive access to a community of like minded women who are travelling a similar health, wellness and weight loss journey. Through our website members gain access to a customized nutrition and exercise program and the latest research on lifestyle changes that can support weight loss.

The program features customized nutrition software that shows you what to eat and when to eat it for your best results. Cooking and food preparation instructions are included along with a comprehensive exercise routine. Your nutrition recommendations are designed to change each week throughout the program in a effort to avoid plateaus.

One of the most important and yet most overlooked aspects of successful weight loss is social support. We know how hard weight loss can be and feeling like you're going it alone doesn’t make it feel any easier, so that is why we’ve created the Thin From WITHIN membership community. Here you will find other women who are following the same program and the same path, and with whom you can share both your struggles and triumphs.

Along with a team of exercise science experts the author of Thin From WITHIN has leveraged his masters education and research expertise in nutrition to create the Thin From WITHIN program.

The technology team at Thin From WITHIN has created an interactive digital experience that is compatible with your smartphone, tablet, laptop and desktop computer. This means the program can go with you wherever you are and you can access it however you like.

Our customer service team is here to answer any questions you have and assist you in any way they can. Your feedback is also appreciated as it helps us improve your experience with the program.

The overall mission is to spread the word about gut health and weight loss, educate our community and continue to improve ourselves and our company.

Whenever you’re ready to join our community we’re ready and happy to welcome you!